Marketing to Gen Z

When it comes to Gen Z, antiquated marketing strategies are just not going to resonate. Here's a few tips to help clue you in to speaking to the next generation.

So, who exactly is Gen Z? First off, Gen Z are folks who were born between 1995 and 2009. They have a combined spending power of $143 billion in the United States alone. I pulled this from Planoly's 2022 Social trends report. A great read. So, needless to say, Gen Z is definitely a market worth speaking to if you think your product or service will resonate with them.

Let’s start with talking a little bit about how Gen Z is really flipping the script with the way they receive marketing information. Gen Z just doesn't accept traditional ways of marketing. This has been a slow moving change in my opinion but it's definitely something we've all been complaining about for decades.

More specifically, I am talking about tv ads and radio ads. I don't even think most Gen Zers are listening to the tv or radio. In addition, the approach blatantly promoting your product that these mediums really do is also dead whether it's on social or tv or radio.

The thing that resonates most with this generation is AUTHENTICITY. Something we always preach here at Local 44 North.

So, how do show Gen Z you’re being authentic? TALK to Gen Z People. AKA - follow them, hire them, don't be tone deaf like most marketers. What I mean by this is don't start using these mediums and tactics that they engage with and then fall flat on the messaging so that you don't resonate.

Another characteristic of Gen Z that makes them stand out a little bit is this next generation is genuinely concerned with social impact. I'm talking about topics like inclusion, diversity and sustainability. So, for your business, put it out there, who you support, etc. DO NOT be neutral or silent.

Gen Zers also like TikTok and Reels. AKA short video clips. Capitalize on this and make it entertaining and emotional. Folks want to be entertained, amused, see something artistic, be funny. While you’re trying to appeal to Gen Zers on social, get them to ENGAGE, share user generated content, etc!

The last tip I want to highlight is focus on community. This shows that you're actively involved in your community, as well. This is great for small business to partner with others, especially if it's to take on a mission for a social cause.


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